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University Observatory Munich

Faculty of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University

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Master of Science (M.Sc.)
in Astrophysics

  • Module handbook (PDF) (in English and German)
    (Description of the modules and courses)
    for the Master of Science program in Astrophysics
1st Semester
  • Essentials of advanced Astrophysics (9 ECTS)
  • Numerical or instrumental laboratory (9 ECTS)
  • Lecture belonging to the field of statistics, QM, or hydrodynamics (6 ECTS)
  • Modern Physics (6 ECTS)
2nd Semester
  • Astrophysical basic laboratory (9 ECTS)
  • Advanced Seminar (“Hauptseminar”) (3 ECTS)
  • Elective Lecture of Astrophysics with Exercises (summer or winter term) (6 ECTS)
  • Elective Lecture of Astrophysics with Exercises (6 ECTS)
  • Elective Lecture of Astrophysics with Exercises (6 ECTS)
3rd and 4th Semester
  • Research project preparation phase (30 ECTS =
      attendant courses (24 ECTS) +
      attendant lecture (6 ECTS))
  • Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS)

Basic requirements for admission to the Master of Science program in Astrophysics

The basis for admission to the Master’s program is proof of a higher education entrance qualification and a professional University qualification from a program in physics or astrophysics lasting at least six semesters.

In particular, the following entrance requirement is necessary:
an accredited Bachelor’s degree at a University in PHYSICS or Astrophysics!

The candidate cannot have failed the same Master’s program, or one with comparable content, irrevocably.

In addition to the successful completion of such a Bachelor’s program, admittance to the Master’s program of study in astrophysics is further dependent on the successful participation in an assessment procedure.

Assessment procedure

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this procedure is to determine whether the candidate, in addition to the attainment of the first degree, is suitably qualified to meet the needs of a Master’s course in astrophysics.

The qualifications necessary include knowledge from a first degree course in PHYSICS or Astrophysics,
in particular in
theoretical mechanics, theoretical quantum mechanics, theoretical electrodynamics, theoretical thermodynamics and statistics,
atomic and molecular physics, nuclear and particle physics, as well as mathematical-analytical skills and an ability to work scientifically.

Application for admittance to the assessment procedure

(See also https://www.physik.lmu.de/en/studies/study-programs/msc-astrophysics/index.html.)

The application for admittance to the assessment procedure must be submitted to

Subject: Master of Science in Astrophysics
University Observatory Munich
Scheinerstr. 1
81679 München

(or to AstroMaster@lists.physik.uni-muenchen.de – in this case we accept only a single (!) PDF file with a size of at most 5 MB – no tar, tgz, zip, or similar files)

by July 15th for the following winter semester and by January 15th for the following summer semester.

Sending the required documents via mail is sufficient for the assessment procedure of the Master of Science program in Astrophysics, but the original documents are required to obtain the official Acceptance Letter issued by the examination office!

Note that independent of this application to the assessment procedure, international applicants (for exceptions, see here) must also contact the International Office (IO) before July 15th for the following winter semester and before January 15th for the following summer semester to start the enrollment procedure.

If the application to the assessment procedure was successful, then in a first step an “unofficial” acceptance letter is sent by the examination office to the applicants via (e-)mail. International applicants must forward this letter to the International Office also via mail. On basis of this mail sent to the IO, the IO will inform the applicants on how to proceed further.

The following documents should accompany the application for admittance to the assessment procedure:
(in German or English)

  1. a short curriculum vitae, with complete postal and email address.
  2. a copy of the first degree certificate (if available already) and the transcript of records
    (we are looking for students who have excelled in their undergraduate physics studies and also have done well in their other studies).
  3. an essay of at most 1000 words explaining the candidate’s interest in and abilities pertinent to the study of astrophysics at the Master’s level, including a description of his/her achievements in the first degree course
    (students with some prior research experience are especially strong candidates).
  4. applicants whose first degree course was not taken at a University in a country of the European Union have to provide verification of their expertise in the form of “Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Scores” in physics or mathematics. Note that we will review your application even if you do not submit a GRE score.
  5. a Questionnaire (PDF), provided by the faculty of physics, completed and signed by the candidate.

Results of the assessment

The assessment procedure will be carried out after the above mentioned dates by a selection committee of the faculty of physics and the candidates will be informed – in the first week of March and August, respectively – of the results in writing.

General information

International Office (IO):
With respect to the documents required for the enrollment procedure at the LMU Munich, international applicants have to contact the International Office before July 15th for the following winter semester and before January 15th for the following summer semester!
Teaching language:
In case one of the students is not familiar with the German language, the teaching language is English!
Our University provides no Scholarships for Master’s students.
Overview and Catalogue of the Courses in Astrophysics and Physics:
Current Teaching

Administrative links

Applying to LMU Munich:
University enrollment eligibility (accreditation):
Normal enrollment for a degree (International Office):
Enrollment dates:
Examination Office of the Faculty of Physics (recognition of credits):
Faculty of Physics (submission of the application for admittance to the assessment procedure):

Contact address for the M.Sc. program in Astrophysics:

Application for admittance to the assessment procedure, and related questions:
Prof. Dr. Joseph Mohr
E-Mail: AstroMaster@lists.physik.uni-muenchen.de

General questions regarding the M.Sc. in Astrophysics (curriculum, certificates, Master’s thesis, etc.):
Priv.Doz. Dr. Joachim Puls
E-Mail: AstroStudies@usm.lmu.de

Last updated 2023 October 16 12:00 UTC by J. Puls (uh101aw@usm.lmu.de)