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How to measure the dust content and reddening correction


In Section 3 we have already underlined the uncertainties related to the reddening corrections we must apply to take into account the presence of dust in spiral galaxies. First of all the assumption made about the reddening curve, assumed to be that of our Galaxy.

We have seen that the most widely used method to estimate the dust content is based on the relative strengths of the lower Balmer lines, /. By taking the gas emission lines as dust tracer one assumes that the emission from the gas comes from the same place as the emission from the ionizing stars, which generally is not the case, since the gas in a spiral galaxy is situated in a plane. In general, we must admitt we have only a meager knowledge of the real distribution of dust in emission-line galaxies. It seems quite likely that it is patchy and irregular, and thus that the assignment of a single value for the ``extinction'' is only a crude first approximation.

Neglecting at first order these uncertainties one can write the effect of reddening on the ratio / as :


where C is the measure of the amount of reddening (E(B-V) = 0.77 C), f() is the reddening curve, I() indicated the (unreddened) intrinsic flux and F() the flux measured. Note that only the difference in optical depths at the two wavelengths enters in this equation; so the correction depends on the form of the interstellar extinction curve (with arbitrary normalization) and on the amount of extinction (C).

Table 4: Standard interstellar extinction curve.

If the Whitford reddening curve as parameterized by Miller and Mathews (1972) is used (see Table 4) one obtains


For the intrinsic flux ratio for H II region-like objects we adopted the case B Balmer recombination decrement I()/I()=2.85 for K and .

For AGN we must taken into account that the harder photoionizing spectrum results in a large transition zone, or partly ionized region, in which coexists with and free electrons. In this zone collisional excitation is also important in addition to recombination collisional excitation. The main effect of collisional excitation is to enhance . The higher Balmer lines are less affected because of their large excitation energies and smaller excitation cross sections. For this reason I(.

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Roberto Saglia
Wed Aug 6 17:23:37 MET DST 1997