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SFR indicator for high redshift galaxies :


We discuss here several aspects of the emission in nearby galaxies which are most relevant to their application in surveys of faint objects. Kennicutt (1983) calibrated the relationship between the integrated luminosity and total SFR (equations 5 and 6) in disk galaxies, and the spectrophotometry presented in Kennicutt (1992) can be used to derive a corresponding relation between flux and SFR.

Practically, the calibration between SFR and luminosity can be trasformed to luminosity once a mean values for the and ratios are known. From the study of a homogeneous sample of normal galaxies Kennicutt (1992) found mean value = 0.3 and = 0.5 resulting in an extinction-corrected calibration


where L is the observed emission line luminosity in units of .

One drawback of this relation for applications to distant galaxies is that they require a photometric measurement of the . But absolute line fluxes are difficult to measure in faint galaxies. However, the strong correlation between and EWs (Fig. 8) suggests that can be used as a quantitative indicator of the SFR in a distant galaxy, in much the same way that is used in nearby galaxies. Among galaxies dominated by stellar photoionization (solid points) the data follow a mean relation EW[OII = 0.4 EW(), with a rms dispersion of %.

Kennicutt (1992) showed that an approximate SFR can be derived if the EW and integrated broadband magnitudes are known.


where the B luminosity is expressed in units of the Sun.

However, Fig. 8 clearly shows that the versus correlation breaks down for galaxies with luminous active galactic nuclei. These galaxies fall indeed into two classes, those with abnormally strong emission, independent of Balmer line strength, and those with strong Balmer, and emission but weak emission in . The former most often are Seyfert 2.

Figure 8: Relation between the equivalent widths of the and emission lines. Notation the same as in Fig. 5. The line shows a simple model with .

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Roberto Saglia
Thu Aug 7 11:07:05 MET DST 1997