Second Announcement
We are pleased to announce that the conference
"Planet Formation and Evolution 2012"
will be held from
September 3 - 7, 2012
at the
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Scientific Rationale
Stimulated by the discovery of more than 700 extrasolar planets and recent solar system observations, planet formation and the subsequent evolution of planetary systems has received the highest attention of the scientific community. Following the tradition of previous workshops in this series, this 8th Workshop on Planet Formation and Evolution will bring together scientists from various theoretical, observational and experimental fields and is aimed to stimulate interdisciplinary discussion between astronomy, astrobiology, planetary science, mineralogy, laboratory work, and other adjacent fields.Topic that will be covered include
• Solar System Studies• Extrasolar Planetary Systems
• Planet Formation
• Physics and Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks
• Laboratory Work on Planet Formation
• Evolution of Planetary Systems
• Planetary Atmospheres
The invited speakers are
• Mario Trieloff (Heidelberg)• Artie Hatzes (Tautenburg/Jena)
• Willy Kley (Tübingen)
• Kees Dullemond (Heidelberg)
• Jürgen Blum (Braunschweig)
• Alessandro Morbidelli (Nice)
• Heike Rauer (Berlin)
Scientific Organizing Committee
Barbara Ercolano (USM & Universe Cluster, Co-Chair) & Thomas Preibisch (USM, Co-Chair)Til Birnstiel (USM & Universe Cluster)
Carsten Dominik (Amsterdam)
Stefan Dreizler (Göttingen)
Cornelis Dullemond (Heidelberg)
Lisa Kaltenegger (Heidelberg)
Wilhelm Kley (Tübingen)
Andreas Pack (Göttingen)
Gerhard Wurm (Duisburg-Essen)
Mark Wyatt (Cambridge)
Local Organizing Committee
Frauke AlexanderTil Birnstiel
James Dale
Benjamin Gaczkowski
Miwa Goto
Rebekka Grellmann
Martin Ilgner
Christine Köpferl
Judith Ngoumou
Henrike Ohlendorf
Stephanie Pekruhl
Thorsten Ratzka
Giovanni Rosotti