Prof. Dr. Thomas Preibisch


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Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2023/24

Vorlesung: Von interstellaren Staubwolken zu Sternen und habitablen Planeten

Wahlpflichtvorlesung (Modul P4/5.0.19 - PSO2009; WP22/29 - PSO2023) im Studiengang Master Astrophysik oder Master Physik mit Schwerpunkt Astrophysik
Sprache: Englisch
2 SWS Vorlesung (Donnerstag 10:15 bis 11:45 Uhr, Start: 19. Oktober 2023)
+ 2 SWS Tutorium (Mittwoch 14:15 bis 15:45 Uhr, Start: 25. Oktober 2023)
6 ECTS Punkte bei Bestehen der Abschlussprüfung.

Lecture: From Interstellar Dust Clouds to Stars and Habitable Planets

Elective Lecture (Modul P4/5.0.19 - PSO2009; WP22/29 - PSO2023) for the Master Astrophysics or Master Physics with specialization in Astrophysics
2 SWS Lecture (Thursday 10:15 to 11:45, in the lecture hall, start: 19 October 2023)
+ 2 SWS Tutorial (Wednesday 14:00 to 15:30 in the lecture hall, start: 25 October 2023)
6 ECTS points for passing the final examination.

For up-to-date information and announcements please use this link to the LSF website.

Important Dates:

Please register in the LSF until 16 October 2023!
Access to the lecture materials for registered students will be granted on 17 October 2023
First lecture meeting: 19 October 2023, 10:15.
First tutorial problem set issued: 19 October 2023.
First tutorial sessions: 25 October 2023, 14:15
Final written exam: 8 February 2024, 10:00. (Note: Registration for the exam is required until 25 Jan 2024! Further information is provided in the lecture.)

Organization of the Lecture

Registration for this lecture in the LSF is strictly required. Please register until Monday, 16 October 2023, in order to get access to the lecture materials before the first lecture meeting on 18 October 2023.

All lecture materials will be posted on the Moodle lecture website
To get access, students have to register at the Moodle lecture website: the password required for this will be sent to all participants registered in the LSF before the first lecture.

In case of questions about the lecture, please note that all e-mail communication should be exclusively done via your official LMU e-mail address, not via external e-mail providers!

Important Note: Participation in the final examination will be only possible for students who are registered for the lecture and are officially admitted for the exam. The rules for the exam admission procedure will be discussed in the lecture.

Beschreibung der Vorlesung:

Diese Vorlesung gibt zunächst einen Überblick über die Physik und Chemie des Interstellaren Mediums, behandelt dann die Struktur, Stabilität und den Kollaps von Molekülwolken, sowie die Entstehung und Vorhauptreihenentwicklung von Sternen und die Entwicklung der zirkumstellaren Materie um junge Sterne. Neben der Beschreibung der grundlegenden Mechanismen der Planetenentstehung liegt ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Vorlesung auf der frühen Entwicklung von terrestrischen Planeten, insbesondere ihrer Atmosphären und dem Klima, sowie dem Konzept der Habitabilität von Planeten. Im letzten Teil der Vorlesung werden schließlich noch Sternentstehung in Sternhaufen sowie Feedbackprozesse durch massereiche Sterne behandelt, sowie die Auswirkungen der Umgebung auf (entstehende) Planeten diskutiert.

Description of the Lecture:

This lecture will first give an overview on the physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium and the formation and early evolution of stars and stellar systems. It will also discuss the early evolution of terrestrial planets, their atmospheres and climate, and the concept of habitability of planets.
This lecture is suitable for all master students in physics or astrophysics.

Topics to be discussed:

Recommended Literature:

The following useful books are available electronically at the LMU library for all LMU students:

A very well written introductory course on radiation transfer in astrophysics:
Introduction to Astrophysical Radiative Transfer by Robert J. Rutten.

and a more advanced, masters-level course on Radiative Transfer:
Radiative Transfer in Stellar Atmospheres by Robert J. Rutten.