Using Juypter Notebooks at USM

Table of Contents

Before joining the Python Tutorial, please make sure you can open the Jupyter Notebook for the Tutorial. There are different ways to do this and any of the following ways (or even other ones) is fine. Bottom line is, you should be able to run Python Jupyter Notebooks.

1 You already know how to do this

If you’re already familiar with Jupyter Notebooks - use your preferred way of opening/working with it.

2 Locally on your Desktop/Laptop

Run it locally on your laptop/desktop: Install Anaconda, start a Jupyter Notebook server (Start a Jupyter Notebook Server) and open the Tutorial Notebook.

3 Remotely via a ssh-Tunnel

You can use one of the ltsp machines here at USM:

  • find a terminal application on your desktop/laptop
  • contact the instructor and ask for the numprakt password on the ltsp machines
  • connnect to ltsp17 with ssh via the command: ssh -L 8889:localhost:8889 (don’t forget to start up the VPN as described Jo Puls earlier)
  • change to the folder python_tutorial with: cd python_tutorial
  • copy the original notebook to one that includes your name (or some unique name): cp tutorial.ipynb tutorial_[your_name].ipynb
  • On your local laptop/desktop, with your standard browser, open the link to the notebook and click on the tutorial_[your_name].ipynb file you just created

If you need assistance with this step, please ask you instructor.

Author: The Astrophysics Python Lab Instructors

Created: 2022-04-26 Tue 13:43
