
Universitäts-Sternwarte München

Fakultät für Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

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Talks, Workshops, & Colloquia

LMU Astrophysics Colloquium at USM
Schedule for Summer Term 2024

Colloquia are held on Wednesdays at 11:00,
unless announced otherwise.

MIAPP poster
See also:
Date Speaker Institute Title Host
8 May 2024 Dr. Shahab Joudaki Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, Uni Portsmouth (UK) The development of the Euclid likelihood for multi-probe cosmological analyses: performance, validation, and final forecasted constraints in light of the instrumental and astrophysical systematic uncertainties Luca Tortorelli
15 May 2024 Dr. Anna Porredon Uni Bochum Cosmology from galaxy clustering and weak lensing Sebastian Bocquet
22 May 2024 Dr. Julia Seidel ESO Santiago Observing exoplanet atmospheres Louise Nielsen
5 June 2024 Dr. Shubham Srivastav University of Oxford Unearthing the rich and varied landscape of supernovae and explosive transients with wide-field optical surveys Daniel Grün / Julian Sommer
12 June 2024 Prof. Konstantin Batygin Caltech Towards a unified theory of planet formation Kevin Heng
19 June 2024 Prof. Marek Kowalski DESY / HU Berlin Supernova cosmology with ZTF, ULTRASAT and beyond Daniel Grün
26 June 2024 Dr. Jo Puls LMU The winds and atmospheres of hot massive stars Rolf Kudritzki
1 July 2024
(special colloquium)
1PM in Fraunhofer Telescope
Dr. Inigo Zubeldia Cambridge University Toward precision SZ cluster cosmology: From Planck to the Simons Observatory Joe Mohr
3 July 2024 Prof. Paul Tackley ETH Zürich Conditions for emergence of plate tectonics on Earth (and rocky exoplanets?) Meng Tian
10 July 2024 Prof. James Owen Imperial College London TBA Leonardos Gkouvelis
16 July 2024
(special colloquium)
Prof. Tamara Davis Uni Queensland (Australia) New cosmological results from SNe identified in the Dark Energy Survey Sebastian Bocquet
17 July 2024 Prof. Caroline Dorn ETH Zürich Water deep in the interiors of super-Earths and mini-Neptunes Louise Nielsen
24 July 2024 Prof. Richard Anderson EPF Lausanne TBA Daniel Gruen
25 July 2024
(Note: Thursday)
Prof. Andrea Macciò NYU Abu Dhabi Do we need to look beyond Cold Dark Matter? Rhea-Silvia Remus
14 August 2024 Prof. Jesse van de Sande University of New South Wales TBA Rhea-Silvia Remus

Preview for Winter Term 2024

Date Speaker Institute Title Host
9 Oct 2024 Prof. Jonathan Tan Chalmers University The formation of supermassive black holes from population III.1 protostars Til Birnstiel
16 Oct 2024 Dr. Henrique Rubira TUM/LMU The effective field theory of LSS and what it can teach us from beyond-ΛCDM cosmology Joe Mohr
23 Oct 2024 Prof. Subhanjoy Mohanty Imperial College London How to form super-Earths and sub-Neptunes Kevin Heng
30 Oct 2024 Dr. Joachim Harnois-Deraps Uni Newcastle (UK) KiDS+DES cosmology: lensing peak statistics, tension and tides Chris Davies
6 Nov 2024 Prof. Til Birnstiel LMU Rings of dust and gas: the keys to understanding planetary origins Joe Mohr
13 Nov 2024 TBD
20 Nov 2024 TBD
27 Nov 2024 TBD
4 Dec 2024 Dr. Dominika Wylezalek University of Heidelberg TBA Daniel Grün
11 Dec 2024 TBD
18 Dec 2024 Prof. Luigi Guzzo Departimento di Fisica “Also Pontremoli”, Uni Milano Cosmology with the large-scale structure of the Universe in the Euclid era Jochen Weller
8 Jan 2025 Prof. Simon Albrecht Aarhus University Exoplanet system architecture: Planets on peculiar orbits Kevin Heng
15 Jan 2025 TBD
22 Jan 2025 TBD
29 Jan 2025 Prof. Sergey Yurchenko UCL Computational Moleular Spectroscopy for Exoplanets: Where Atmospheres and Quantum Physics Meet Kevin Heng
5 Feb 2025 TBD

Suggestions for speakers should be sent to the colloquium organizer Prof. Joseph Mohr.

Schedules for previous semesters: Winter term 2023 / 2024.

Letzte Änderung 26. Juli 2024 18:00 durch Webmaster (webmaster@usm.uni-muenchen.de)