README: ------- Photometric redshifts and magnitudes are in directory photoz. Shears (merged with photometric redshifts) are in photoshear. Offsets to be applied to aperture magnitudes (and fluxes) are summarised in offsets.dat. Stars means offsets with respect to Pickles stars library (Pickles 1998), spectra means additional offsets (on top of the stellar offsets) derived by calibration on spectroscopic redshifts. Apparent magnitudes are in AB, absolute magnitudes are in Vega system. SED numbers 1,2,4,5 are red, SED numbers 3 and 6-31 are blue. We recommend following cuts for the foreground and background samples: Foreground: (MASK=0)&&(Flag<4)&&(flag_photoz<4)&&(MAG_ABS_r>=-25)&&(MAG_ABS_r<-15) Background: (MASK=0)&&(Flag<4)&&(flag_photoz<1)&&(MAG_ABS_r>=-25)&&(trPg>0.1)&&(e1**2+e2**2<1.21) The `Flag' values are the extraction flags of SExtractor. Explanation of `flag_photoz': flag_photoz = 1 Object size smaller than PSF flag_photoz = 2 dz_phot > 0.25*(1+z_phot) flag_photoz = 4 SExtractor Flag >=4 flag_photoz value of 8 is no longer defined flag_photoz = 16 Object probably a star flag_photoz = 32 No redshift The flags are summed up. The keys for the photometric redshift are as follows: # 1 SeqNr Running object number # 2 ALPHA_J2000 Right ascension of barycenter (J2000) [deg] # 3 DELTA_J2000 Declination of barycenter (J2000) [deg] # 4 Xpos Object position along x [pixel] # 5 Ypos Object position along y [pixel] # 6 FWHM_IMAGE FWHM assuming a gaussian core [pixel] # 7 CLASS_STAR S/G classifier output # 8 FLUX_RADIUS Fraction-of-light radii [pixel] # 9 Flag Extraction Flags [""] # 10 MAG_AUTO Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] # 11 MAGERR_AUTO RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] # 12 MAG_APER2 Fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 13 MAGERR_APER2 RMS error for fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 14 FLUX_APER2 Fixed aperture flux [count] # 15 FLUXERR_APER2 RMS error for fixed aperture flux [count] # 16 MAG_AUTO_u Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] # 17 MAGERR_AUTO_u RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] # 18 MAG_APER_u2 Fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 19 MAGERR_APER_u2 RMS error for fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 20 FLUX_AUTO_u Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture [mag] # 21 FLUXERR_AUTO_u RMS error for AUTO flux [mag] # 22 FLUX_APER_u2 Fixed aperture flux [count] # 23 FLUXERR_APER_u2 RMS error for fixed aperture flux [count] # 24 MAG_AUTO_g Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] # 25 MAGERR_AUTO_g RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] # 26 MAG_APER_g2 Fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 27 MAGERR_APER_g2 RMS error for fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 28 FLUX_AUTO_g Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture [mag] # 29 FLUXERR_AUTO_g RMS error for AUTO flux [mag] # 30 FLUX_APER_g2 Fixed aperture flux [count] # 31 FLUXERR_APER_g2 RMS error for fixed aperture flux [count] # 32 MAG_AUTO_r Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] # 33 MAGERR_AUTO_r RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] # 34 MAG_APER_r2 Fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 35 MAGERR_APER_r2 RMS error for fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 36 FLUX_AUTO_r Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture [mag] # 37 FLUXERR_AUTO_r RMS error for AUTO flux [mag] # 38 FLUX_APER_r2 Fixed aperture flux [count] # 39 FLUXERR_APER_r2 RMS error for fixed aperture flux [count] # 40 MAG_AUTO_i Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] # 41 MAGERR_AUTO_i RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] # 42 MAG_APER_i2 Fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 43 MAGERR_APER_i2 RMS error for fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 44 FLUX_AUTO_i Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture [mag] # 45 FLUXERR_AUTO_i RMS error for AUTO flux [mag] # 46 FLUX_APER_i2 Fixed aperture flux [count] # 47 FLUXERR_APER_i2 RMS error for fixed aperture flux [count] # 48 MAG_AUTO_z Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] # 49 MAGERR_AUTO_z RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] # 50 MAG_APER_z2 Fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 51 MAGERR_APER_z2 RMS error for fixed aperture magnitude [mag] # 52 FLUX_AUTO_z Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture [mag] # 53 FLUXERR_AUTO_z RMS error for AUTO flux [mag] # 54 FLUX_APER_z2 Fixed aperture flux [count] # 55 FLUXERR_APER_z2 RMS error for fixed aperture flux [count] # 56 MASK mask value (addmask) # 57 z_phot Photometric redshift [""] # 58 dz_phot Photometric redshift error [""] # 59 chisq_photoz chi^2 for photometric redshift [""] # 60 SED SED Type [""] # 61 MAG_ABS_r Absolute magnitude [mag] # 62 flag_photoz Photometric redshift quality flag [""] # 63 z_phot2 Photometric redshift 2nd best solution [""] # 64 dz_phot2 Photometric redshift error for 2nd best solutio [""] # 65 logP1P2_photoz Probality ratio between best and second best so [""] # 66 z_B Integrated photometric redshift [""] # 67 object_type 0 means galaxy, 1 means star-like object [""] The keys for the shear catalogues are as follows: # 1 SeqNr Running object number [""] # 2 ALPHA_J2000 Right ascension of barycenter (J2000) [deg] # 3 DELTA_J2000 Declination of barycenter (J2000) [deg] # 4 Xpos Object position along x [pixel] # 5 Ypos Object position along y [pixel] # 6 MAG_AUTO Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] # 7 z_phot Photometric redshift [""] # 8 dz_phot Photometric redshift error [""] # 9 SED SED Type [""] # 10 MAG_ABS_r Absolute magnitude [mag] # 11 flag_photoz Photometric redshift quality flag [""] # 12 e1 Corrected ellipticity [""] # 13 e2 Corrected ellipticity [""] # 14 rg "" [""] # 15 rh "" [""] # 16 trPg "" [""] # 17 snratio "" [""] # 18 weight_henk Weight (see Hoekstra et al. 1998) [""] # 19 Flag Extraction flag [""] # 20 MASK Mask value [""] Fields with `good' shapes are as follows: W1p4p3 W1p4p2 W1p4p1 W1p4m0 W1p4m1 W1p4m2 W1p4m3 W1p3p3 W1p3p2 W1p3p1 W1p3m0 W1p3m1 W1p3m2 W1p3m3 W1p2p3 W1p2p2 W1p2p1 W1p2m0 W1p2m1 W1p2m2 W1p2m3 W1p1p3 W1p1p2 W1p1p1 W1p1m1 W1p1m2 W1p1m3 W1m0p3 W1m0m0 W1m0m2 W1m1p3 W1m1p1 W1m1m0 W1m1m2 W1m1m3 W1m2p3 W1m2p2 W1m2p1 W2p3p3 W2p3m1 W2p2m0 W2p2m1 W2p1m0 W2p1m1 W2m0p2 W2m0p1 W2m0m0 W2m0m1 W2m1p1 W2m1m0 W2m1m1 W3p1p2 W3p1p1 W3p1m0 W3p1m1 W3p1m2 W3p1m3 W3m0p2 W3m0p1 W3m0m0 W3m0m1 W3m0m2 W3m0m3 W3m1p2 W3m1p1 W3m1m3 W3m2p2 W3m2p1 W3m2m0 W3m2m1 W3m2m2 W3m2m3 W3m3p2 W3m3p1 W3m3m1 W4p2m0 W4p2m1 W4p2m2 W4p1m1 W4p1m2 W4m0p1 W4m0m0 W4m0m2 W4m1p1 W4m1m0 W4m1m1 W4m1m2 W4m2m0 W4m3p2