Christine M. Koepferl


I am interested in interdisciplinary, diverse and creative research and education. I enjoy research topics which require the communication of diverse groups; e. g. theorists, experimentalists, data scientists, engineers, etc. To further the transfer of knowledge I am involved in teaching, outreach and citizen science projects.

I specialised in synthetic observations of astronomical objects, especially star-forming regions and protoplanetary discs. I developed a tool called the FLUXCOMPENSATOR which can generate synthetic observations which are directly comparable to real observations. I use these synthetic observations to benchmark hydrodynamical simulations and also to test the accuracy of observational techniques.

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LECTURER (2019 - 2020)

University of Applied Sciences Munich;        Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim


PhD project (2012 - 2015)

Star-formation Properties Extracted

from Synthetic Star-forming Regions

Dr. Thomas P. Robitaille

Master project (2011 - 2012)

Disc dispersal of young stellar objects

Prof. Dr. Barbara Ercolano

Bachelor project (2010)

The search for habitable planets

around M stars

Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch